What is blockchain?
Blockchain or block explorer is a place where we can publicly see all the information about the activities on the blockchain. Every blockchain has a unique block explorer and can only be used for that specific blockchain.
Libonomy block explorer: http://liboexplorer.com
What information can we find on a blockchain explorer?
• Transactions: Every transaction that has been added to the blockchain
• Blocks: Live feed of recently created blocks updated in real time
• Transaction History: Full history of all transactions
• Genesis block: First created block on the blockchain
• Largest transactions: Largest transactions on the blockchain
• Contributors: Nodes that contribute the most in terms of resources, time and validity
• Network Stakers: Nodes that have contributed the most in searching for the exploits in the blockchain
• Rewards: Rewards given to the nodes in the network
• Coins and tokens: All coins and tokens that have been created on the blockchain
Update Log:
Release date: 2021-01-29
• Clickable wallet addresses
• Reversed the data arrangement in the table to show the latest information first instead of oldest.
• User Interface improvement for data loading
• Improved performance of Liboexplorer