Al-driven blockchain consensus

Completely Secure

Fast & Scalable

Self Governed

Truly Centeralized

Libonomy Interoparable

What is Aphelion?

Aphelion is an artificial intelligence driven blockchain consensus algorithm. It’s used to consistently reach agreement between the participants on a blockchain network. Thanks to the latest advancements in AI, Aphelion is able to sustain one of the fastest decentralized networks while staying low cost and being energy efficient. It’s also extremely robust and resilient against any security threats. Aphelion is suitable for any private, public and hybrid blockchain projects. It’s a universal solution, something that was a significant problem in the past.

It's a Universal Solution.

Self Governed

Aphelion is capable of distributing available resources in the network to reach the highest efficiency, and it continuously keeps improving as the network grows without any human interference.


Starting at 6000 transactions per second with block finality of 0.5 to 1 second, Aphelion is one of the fastest blockchain consensus algorithms, and it becomes even faster as the network grows, in other words - the larger the network, the faster it becomes.

Truly Decentralized

Aphelion is not a trade-off system, the high network’s throughput is reached without compromising blockchain’s decentralization or security. Aphelion supports any commercial computer to run a blockchain node and has a fair reward distribution system.

Universal Standard

All-around improved blockchain consensus, it presents qualities to become a universal standard for blockchains, it’s well-suited for large public blockchain networks, as well as private networks created by a couple of nodes, and even hybrid networks combined of both.

Node Classification

Nodes in Aphelion blockchains are classified in 4 major node pools and 3 subpools based on their computing power, bandwidth, contribution and their life in the system. Each node pool fills specific tasks in the system from verifying the transactions to auditing other nodes and broadcasting new rules. To mitigate security risks, the Aphelion protocol includes a randomized round trip and multi-layered gossip mechanism. Through this process, nodes are randomly appointed to participate and no node at any instant knows where exactly it’s being utilized.

Power Pool

Part of the nodes is involved in the main work, powering the whole network. After Aphelion examines the node’s possibilities, it gets assigned tasks that it will be capable of completing in a short, set amount of time. A faster node completes more transactions in a second than a slower node, but no bottleneck is created, as there is no need to wait on the slower node.

Exploit Finding Pool

Nodes that have been checked and verified by Aphelion and are deemed to be trusted are utilized to constantly look for various exploits and vulnerabilities. With Aphelion’s help they are surveying the big picture and ready to examine and solve all suspicious activities.

Audit Pool

The audit pool serves as the audit layer for the blockchain, it overlooks the overall working of the pools in the network. To join the audit pool, the node must satisfy the threshold to be regarded as a trustful node. If any node acts maliciously, it is the audit pool nodes that will flag it and, in dire cases, remove it from the network.

Maintenance Pool

The Aphelion system is fast and self-reliant, the engine decides where each node will work and what tasks it will do. If a node leaves the network or is considered untrustworthy, a stand-by node from the maintenance pool takes its place, thus ensuring a constant flow of uninterrupted work.

The Workings of Aphelion


Step No.1

Upon joining the blockchain network, nodes go through an extensive evaluation process and are classified.


Step No.2

When a transaction is received, it’s announced to power pool nodes for verification, and Aphelion generates rules for verification among the nodes.


Step No.3

The verified data is forwarded to the audit pool in order to ensure that the verification carried out is valid.


Step No.4

Audit pool rates the whole process carried out by the nodes and the classification agent for future improvements.


Step No.5

The nodes from the respective pool instantly transmit information to the whole network with a multi-layered gossiping algorithm.


Step No.6

Nodes receive rewards.

Efficient Now
And In The Future

The current blockchains lack good resource management in the network, and there is always a bottleneck in terms of performance. Aphelion consensus thanks to the inclusion of artificial intelligence protocol and machine learning algorithms easily finds its place as the most efficient blockchain consensus right now. It also keeps learning through each dataset, the more it learns the better it is at predicting and detecting the performance of various low and high performance systems. If found necessary Aphelion can autonomously issue dynamic upgrades in the system without any outside interaction, as technology keeps evolving this is an important step to secure a long lasting future.